Welcome to the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs' Measurement of Agency Performance Standards (MAPS) Dashboard.

The MAPS process includes Administrative Compliance and Individual Service (ACIS) Reviews, Licensing Reviews, and data from our Incident Management Reporting System (IMS).

The MAPS Dashboard includes current information about each contracted service provider's performance in several key areas. Each provider's Administrative Compliance and Individual Service (ACIS) Review scores are posted individually and as an average for the past 3 review cycles since 2019. For providers operating day or residential services, licensing review scores are also available.

In addition, the dashboard provides information about any special certification or accreditation, whether the provider is on a 12-or 18-month review cycle, and whether there are any current contract enforcement actions. The provider's compliance rate for timely reporting of allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation has also been included.

Please note: Data for Residential Service Provider Licensing Reviews was carried over from State Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019- June 30, 2020). During FY21, most providers completed a Self-Assessment Process in lieu of an actual Licensing Inspection. This change was implemented due to COVID-19 precautions. For Fiscal Year 22, normal licensing processes resumed.

This information was updated November 1, 2023

In addition to the information included in this dashboard, people with disabilities and their families are encouraged to contact potential service providers to determine if they are a good fit. Additional questions that may be considered may include the following:

  • How can I arrange a visit?
  • How would you describe the philosophy and values of your agency?
  • May I talk to individuals and families who use your services?
  • For how long have you provided services and supports in this county and in other counties?
  • How many people are supported by your agency?
  • What training do you provide to staff who work directly with individuals? To supervisors?
  • May I talk with some of your staff?
  • What are the qualifications of the staff that would be supporting me/my relative?
  • What is your agency's rate of substantiated allegations of Abuse, Neglect, and/or Exploitation?
  • How does your agency coordinate Intensive Behavior Intervention?
  • How long do staff remain with your agency (by position, by site)?
  • May I have a copy of your annual report?

We hope you will find this provider dashboard useful. If you have any questions, please contact the DDSN Division of Quality Management at Qualitymanagement@ddsn.sc.gov.

List providers meeting the following criteria:
(must choose a service)

QA Service: